
CRM/Database enrichment

You are in the right place if you are thinking to buy b2b business email list. At LeadFunction Services, we suggest you go for the B2B database. We are always ready to assist you with the right assistance for the same. We offer database email list services which has also become a very important part of any business if want a genuine customer. We assure for 100% verified list with 90% of data accuracy. So are you ready to get the deal with genuine customers? if your answer is yes then go ahead and make a great deal with us!

Your local manufacturing IT partner, on-site and on-call

Tecnologia offers our clients the best of both worlds: locally based engineers, service staff and vCIOs (virtual Chief Information Officers) who manage your account and service calls, backed up by a national network of highly trained techs. Your facility will be covered by US-based, certified service techs at any hour.

Your local, dedicated vCIO, will conduct strategic assessments, gap analysis, and project management for your IT. They ensure our clients have the right network capacity, hardware/software, and cybersecurity solutions they need to fulfill your company’s needs, whether that’s on the shop floor, in the field, or in the office.

Our IT services for manufacturers